Sunday, April 19, 2009

John 10:10

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

My prayer is that this meditation will provide hope, inspiration and understanding for those who read this, as we all embark on another weeks journey.

This week's focus will be on the B part of this verse: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

The very first time I read this scripture, I instantly got happy because I was under the understanding that God wants all of his people to be rich and wealthy. I just simply left it at that. When the reality is breaking the scripture down we find that money and prosperity is just not the end nor is it the beginning of why Jesus came.

The scripture can be broken down into three parts.

The first part being "I am come" Jesus came on his own free will for you and I both. There was nothing we did nor could have done to bring him here. Simply put, his love for you and I is what brought him down to this earth.

The second part " that they might have life". Before Jesus came down to die for us we had no options or choices, all we had was hell. The word "might" in the scripture shows me that we are not forced to worship and love God. He is simply a healthy alternative to a life of sin and evil. There are many people among us that do not acknowledge Jesus as their personal savuior. Until you accept Jesus as your personal savuior you will never truly experience Life.

The third part "and that they might have it more abundantly". As I have come to learn Jesus just did not come so that we might have large amounts of wealth and fortune. He means so much more than that. He came that we may experience a life without limits. Jesus came so that we would not have circumstances and limitations keep us bound from moving forward in life. Whether its depression, family issues or past issues, Jesus came for it all. Imagine being tied up by a piece of rope. Rope that is so tight that you can't move an inch for comfort. Then imagine someone coming along and cutting that rope, what a great feeling that is for you and I. His life serves as those scissors!

Living an abundant life entails a life where you are not bound by the circumstances of life. In the scripture the word "abundantly" stands out to me. When I think of abundantly, I think of excess and when you have an excess of something it cannot be contained. Jesus came for that very purpose that our lives would be so abundant that the circumstances that come along with being on this earth such as a loss in job, money or love. Would not contain and keep us from moving forward and trusting in him. Often times we have so many things go wrong in our lives that we tend to dwell and focus on those negative things. Once we have done that its almost impossible for us to move forward in life. Then comes the depression, pain and sickness and next thing you know you have two, three, four and five layers of rope around you.

I encourage you to remember this scripture when you feel like you have been tied and bound by circumstances, people and events. Jesus came to cut that rope and set you free from it all. The good thing is that his life is ever lasting. So you and I both can have the rope cut several times without any limits...


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the word brother. It encourages each of us to seek to live the abundant life!
